Wednesday, May 27, 2020

My Teenager

I have come to the conclusion that I don't know what I'm doing....I can see where my parents were when my brothers and I were growing up. Sometimes you just do the best you can. I have a hard time with control which is evident by the power struggle I have with my son. He is turning into this young man that wants to have the controller in his hand instead of mine. Where do you decide where the line is? Where do you lay it down and back away? 

He is turning into this beautiful person before my eyes. He doesn't think like me or act like me(for the most part), and that shouldn't be a bad thing. I get so caught up in wanting to "create a productive citizen," that I don't stop and think. I know he has to make his own way in this world, and I may not agree with everything that he does. As parents, we see a little further down the road than they do because we've been there before. I get it now....when I have those feelings of "you can't tell'm nothing".

Lord, help me to know when to hold on and when to let go.