Saturday, April 24, 2010


"Mama, you are the sweetest girl I eba seen in my whole nife." by Jared Kelly Burge

Thursday, April 15, 2010 Jesus name; Amen; God bless you!

I was in the kitchen cooking supper yesturday while the boys were playing in the living room. Every few minutes one of them would come in the kitchen whinning..."He hit me." "He hurt my head." get the picture. I would tell them that I didn't want to hear whinning & to go play nice. A little while later I heard Leo yell out then Jared said, "Leo, let me pray your foot. Jesus, pray Leo's foot, Jesus name, amen." He had obviously stepped on Leo's foot, and to avoid getting in trouble decided to make it all better. All of the sudden Leo's foot no longer hurt, and they were playing like nothing happened.

Once supper was ready, we sat down to eat. Usually we try to let each of the boys take turns saying the blessing. Sometimes we say it all together. This particular meal Jared wanted to say the blessing, no matter what anyone said. Everytime we all started to say the blessing he would put that little finger up to his lips & say SSSHHHHHH!!!!! Finally, we made it thru..with him being the leader of coarse!

I had made a strawberry pie the day before and told the boys that for dessert they could have another piece, but they had to finish their nuggets & fries (I know...nutritional, right?!) Well, Leo went to town on his plate; Jared tends to get a little side tracked. When Leo finished I gave him his pie, and reminded Jared that he had to finish his fries.

After one of many of the reminders to Jared, he (out of the blue) told me that his toe hurt..."Pray my toe, Mama." I said, "Jesus, make Jared's toe fell better, in Jesus name, amen." He chimmed in, "& Jesus, give me some pie, in Jesus name, amen, God bless you."

It was all I could do to keep a straight face...ok, I didn't keep a straight face! I just about rolled!!! By the way, he did get his pie!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Silence Sucks

This was a repost, but I thought worth the read:

Oh trust me, I love peace and quiet. But that’s not the kind of silence I’m talking about here. I’m referring to the kind of silence that happens when people shut down and refuse to discuss problems, issues, upsets…you get the picture.

You see, I’m a communicator. When something goes wrong, I insist on talking about it—maybe not immediately, but certainly within a reasonable time-frame (which could be anywhere from a couple hours to a couple days, but rarely more than that). So in the unfortunate event that I piss someone off, or someone or something pisses me off, I discuss it. Talk it through. I apologize…or forgive…or I blog about it here…or all of the above. I never let it fester.

I’m lucky because I married someone who operates in the same open and communicative way. In fact, he’s usually the one who wants to talk things through right away and I’m usually the one who shuts down until I can figure out what went wrong and how it can be fixed. (So I do understand going silent ... temporarily.) But we always wind up discussing any upsets and are so much stronger by the time things get resolved. In that sense, conflict and adversity wind up bringing us even closer—we learn more than we ever thought possible.

The thing that sucks is that there are people out there who don’t want to talk about things—ever. When something bad happens, they shut down forever. They harbor all this anger or resentment or sadness and can’t—or simply won’t—discuss it. If you happen to cross this person’s path at the wrong time and speak or act out of turn, look out…because chances are you’ll get kicked to the curb with no explanation. No communication. No opportunity to fully understand what you may have done or how to repair the damage. All these people know is that you have harmed them—but chances are it’s not even your fault. They were already walking around with a victim mentality.

And that’s precisely why silence sucks—for the person who remains silent, and for the person who wants to talk about it—because nothing gets resolved, nobody learns or grows, and everybody loses.

Monday, April 5, 2010

A day in the life of Jared Kelly Burge....

So, I was in the kitchen cooking a carrot cake saturday for Easter when Jared came in there saying..."Come here, come here mama!" I went into the living room, and he wanted me to dance with him to the music that was playing. We danced round and round...when the music went off, he dropped my hands and said, "Go cook!" This boy...I just don't know!!! Can it come that natural to them?

Sunday night after our visit to Granny and Papa Burge's, we were getting ready for our bath. Leo and Jared were both tee-teeing in the potty. Needless to say, three year olds cannot aim well. Jared was not paying attention, and the stream ended up half way across the room in front of the sink via hitting Leo's knee. After we finally got baths, I began to clean the tub, then sink, then toilet. Jared walked to the door and asked, "Mama, what you doin?" I told him that I was cleaning the bathroom so it wouldn't smell like tee-tee! He looked at me, smiling, and said, "You go ahead, Mama!" Where does that little personality come from? I say that he acts just like his daddy!