Monday, April 5, 2010

A day in the life of Jared Kelly Burge....

So, I was in the kitchen cooking a carrot cake saturday for Easter when Jared came in there saying..."Come here, come here mama!" I went into the living room, and he wanted me to dance with him to the music that was playing. We danced round and round...when the music went off, he dropped my hands and said, "Go cook!" This boy...I just don't know!!! Can it come that natural to them?

Sunday night after our visit to Granny and Papa Burge's, we were getting ready for our bath. Leo and Jared were both tee-teeing in the potty. Needless to say, three year olds cannot aim well. Jared was not paying attention, and the stream ended up half way across the room in front of the sink via hitting Leo's knee. After we finally got baths, I began to clean the tub, then sink, then toilet. Jared walked to the door and asked, "Mama, what you doin?" I told him that I was cleaning the bathroom so it wouldn't smell like tee-tee! He looked at me, smiling, and said, "You go ahead, Mama!" Where does that little personality come from? I say that he acts just like his daddy!

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